Why medical device repair should stay in the hands of regulated professionals

by Richard H. Carmona, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.S., the 17th Surgeon General of the United States | The News Journal

As state policymakers, like those in Delaware, consider Right to Repair legislation it’s critically important that they recognize the potential dangers of untrained, unregulated technicians servicing medical equipment. Advancements in medical technology bring hope to patients around the world. From outpatient clinics to emergency rooms, medical devices and equipment provide doctors and surgeons with the tools they need to appropriately diagnose, triage, and care for individuals in their moment of need.

As a trauma surgeon and critical care physician, I have to trust that the precision instruments we use in a pre-hospital setting, the emergency room, operating room and post-op, are always functioning in optimal condition. Patients’ lives depend on it.  As a consequence, any repairperson tasked with servicing these highly technical medical machines must be well qualified and operate in a manner consistent with Food and Drug Administration regulations for medical device servicing and remanufacturing. 

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